"Can anybody give me any detail and substance to NetApp's cloud strategy, technology and deployments?"I ask this genuinely, as despite asking the company directly for over 2yrs, and despite regularly looking myself through their blogs and whitepapers, I'm finding it really hard to locate any information re NetApp and IaaS, PaaS or SaaS usage or technologies (direct of indirect).
Oh of course I've heard the stories re large company X using ### many filers for search or webmail, and other such things - but frankly these strike me as very much a standard use of a technology coupled with significant discounts linked to volume & name etc. Not specifically addressing the changed requirements in a cloud (thinking IaaS) environment (ie individual assets may have less availability req, object protocols often needed, much greater connectivity reqs etc).
What I'm looking for info on is :-
1) A technology & commercial model that is more aligned at a web 2.0/3.0 business, with vast data scale, objects & files, geographical distribution, policy based mngt, compression & dedupe of data, adequate performance, adequate availability of a physical asset but v high availability of the information, and at a 7yr TCO price point substantially less than today's post discount per TB priceI'm wanting to like their 'cloud' technology but frankly speaking at the moment trying to find out about it is like trying to knit fog (sorry couldn't resist)
2) Any info re an object store capability (although Val Bercovici has already said he's not prepared to pre-announce anything right now)
3) Any info re a direct to market SaaS offering?
4) Any details, info or case studies re genuine cloud companies or web 2.0/3.0 companies that are using or planning to use NetApp in decent sized (ie multi-PB) cloud deployments
If any NetApp'er or anybody wants to point me towards some substance and fact then I'd be more than grateful :)